How to earn a horse’s trust

How to earn a horse’s trust

Trust is a fundamental element between a polo horse and a polo player. Having a…

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How to take care of a polo horse?

How to take care of a polo horse?

A polo horse plays a mayor role in all polo matches, without a horse there’s…

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5 Polo Terms to Know

5 Polo Terms to Know

Semana del Polo Seguro

Semana del Polo Seguro

En Argentina Polo Day somos apasionados del Polo, y lo vivimos todos los días del…

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How to ride a Horse safely

How to ride a Horse safely

Ride a horse safely it requires a skilled trainer and a calm horse. The trainer…

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How many horses does it take to play polo?

How many horses does it take to play polo?

Most players agree that the polo «pony» represents 75%-80% of a player’s game. So how…

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How to Prepare Your Horse for a Polo Match?

How to Prepare Your Horse for a Polo Match?

Here are the steps to prepare your horse, and, therefore, take care of him and…

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Understanding the Human-Horse Relationship

Understanding the Human-Horse Relationship

The human-horse relationship is unique. Horses make us feel safe when we are surrounded by…

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Horses’ Ears Have a Lot to Say

Horses’ Ears Have a Lot to Say

Horses’ Wellbeing Basics to Consider

Horses’ Wellbeing Basics to Consider

Horses’ wellbeing can be defined in terms of liberties. Those types of liberties form a…

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