Argentina Polo Day: Líderes Globales en Sostenibilidad y Acción Corporativa

Argentina Polo Day: Líderes Globales en Sostenibilidad y Acción Corporativa

Argentina Polo Day: Líderes Globales en Sostenibilidad y Acción Corporativa En Argentina Polo Day, estamos…

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Why is the average Argentinian polo player better than International players?

Why is the average Argentinian polo player better than International players?

Why is the average Argentinian polo player better than International players? Polo, often named the…

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Argentina Polo Day Magazine #2

Argentina Polo Day Magazine #2

Tras el éxito de nuestra primera edición, decidimos continuar con esta gran aventura de Argentina…

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How to earn a horse’s trust

How to earn a horse’s trust

Trust is a fundamental element between a polo horse and a polo player. Having a…

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How to play polo

How to play polo

Leader in polo and always growing

Leader in polo and always growing

Argentina Polo Day: leader in polo and always growing. leader Argentina Polo Day was created…

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Argentina Polo Day receives international recognition for LGBTIQ+ community inclusion.

Argentina Polo Day receives international recognition for LGBTIQ+ community inclusion.

Argentina Polo Day obtained a certificate of commitment to LGBTIQ inclusion «All Welcome». It is…

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Arena Polo in Argentina: fast and fun

Arena Polo in Argentina: fast and fun

Any person fan of fast and adrenaline sports is quickly fascinated by arena polo. It…

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Argentina Polo Day en la 26° Feria Internacional de Turismo (FIT)

Argentina Polo Day en la 26° Feria Internacional de Turismo (FIT)

Una vez más, Argentina Polo Day fue invitada a participar de edición N° 26 de…

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Why is horse riding good for your health?

Why is horse riding good for your health?