England to play Argentina for the Coronation Cup (2014)

England to play Argentina for the Coronation Cup (2014)


For all the news from international Polo, the blog of Argentina Polo Day we reported the latest news about the sport.


Luke Tomlinson will lead England against Argentina tomorrow at Guards. Audi England will play Argentina for the Coronation Cup tomorrow at Audi International Day.

The 24-goal home side will be led by captain Luke Tomlinson. He will play alongside fellow seven-goaler James Beim, six-goaler Mark Tomlinson and four-goaler Ollie Cudmore. They face a 26-goal Argentina line-up featuring the two best players in the world, ten-goalers Adolfo Cambiaso and Facundo Pieres. Also playing for Argentina are three-goalers Julio Ruggeri and Francisco Belaustegui.

The last time England and Argentina played for the Coronation Cup was 2009, with victory going to Argentina.

A Potrillos exhibition match will be played prior to the Coronation Cup, with the some of the polo stars of the future taking to the field. Ned Hine, Will Harper, Mia Cambiaso and Lucitas Monteverde will take on Zac Beim, Luke Wiles, Cruz Heguy and Adolfito Cambiaso.


Source: http://www.polotimes.co.uk

More information about Polo: http://www.argentinapoloday.com.ar

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