Why is Argentina considered the Polo Capital of the world?

Why is Argentina considered the Polo Capital of the world?

Among the reasons why Argentina is considered the polo capital of the world is because…

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Arena Polo Tournaments

Arena Polo Tournaments

Arena Polo, also known as Indoor Polo, has its origin in North American. Born from…

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Argentina Polo Day: Polo, asado and wine

Argentina Polo Day: Polo, asado and wine

Arena Polo: quickness and intensity

Arena Polo: quickness and intensity

How fast does a polo pony run

How fast does a polo pony run

The fastest Polo pony are bred in Argentina. Their distinguished characteristics come from the crossbreeding…

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Semana del Polo Seguro

Semana del Polo Seguro

En Argentina Polo Day somos apasionados del Polo, y lo vivimos todos los días del…

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How to ride a Horse safely

How to ride a Horse safely

Ride a horse safely it requires a skilled trainer and a calm horse. The trainer…

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Polo Pony Feeding: Benefits of Natural Grazing

Polo Pony Feeding: Benefits of Natural Grazing

Horses are a pivotal factor for successful polo players. This is why special attention must…

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Polo Ponies Training

Polo Ponies Training

Polo ponies training is key to their success on the field. Their ability to play…

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Argentina Polo Day en acción solidaria: un mundo mejor para todos

Argentina Polo Day en acción solidaria: un mundo mejor para todos

Participamos de una nueva acción solidaria para un mundo mejor. Esta iniciativa surge a partir…

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