Basic things you should know before watching a polo match

Basic things you should know before watching a polo match

How to earn a horse’s trust

How to earn a horse’s trust

Trust is a fundamental element between a polo horse and a polo player. Having a…

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How to play polo

How to play polo

Leader in polo and always growing

Leader in polo and always growing

Argentina Polo Day: leader in polo and always growing. leader Argentina Polo Day was created…

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Argentina Polo Day receives international recognition for LGBTIQ+ community inclusion.

Argentina Polo Day receives international recognition for LGBTIQ+ community inclusion.

Argentina Polo Day obtained a certificate of commitment to LGBTIQ inclusion «All Welcome». It is…

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Why is horse riding good for your health?

Why is horse riding good for your health?

What do I need to start playing polo?

What do I need to start playing polo?

Polo is a great sport to try out. Filled with intensity and passion, it promises…

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Argentina Polo Day lanza su primera revista

Argentina Polo Day lanza su primera revista

How to take care of a polo horse?

How to take care of a polo horse?

A polo horse plays a mayor role in all polo matches, without a horse there’s…

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Arena Polo Grand Prix 2022 by Argentina Polo Day

Arena Polo Grand Prix 2022 by Argentina Polo Day

Este 26 y 27 de agosto, Argentina Polo Day junto con la Asociación Argentina de…

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