How to Prepare Your Horse for a Polo Match?

How to Prepare Your Horse for a Polo Match?

Here are the steps to prepare your horse, and, therefore, take care of him and…

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¿Cómo preparar tu caballo para un partido de polo?

¿Cómo preparar tu caballo para un partido de polo?

Acá te enumeramos los pasos para preparar al caballo para un partido de polo, lo…

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Polo Horses’ Teeth: How to Take Care of Them?

Polo Horses’ Teeth: How to Take Care of Them?

Polo horses’ teeth grow permanently and wear out with the normal friction due to the…

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How to Prepare Your Horse for a Polo Match?

How to Prepare Your Horse for a Polo Match?

What makes a polo horse be good?

What makes a polo horse be good?

Understanding the Human-Horse Relationship

Understanding the Human-Horse Relationship

The human-horse relationship is unique. Horses make us feel safe when we are surrounded by…

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Horses’ Ears Have a Lot to Say

Horses’ Ears Have a Lot to Say

Horses’ Wellbeing Basics to Consider

Horses’ Wellbeing Basics to Consider

Horses’ wellbeing can be defined in terms of liberties. Those types of liberties form a…

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How Long does it Take to Train Polo Horses?

How Long does it Take to Train Polo Horses?

Did you know that the preparation and training of polo horses takes several years? Training…

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Equitherapy: Therapy with Horses

Equitherapy: Therapy with Horses

Equine assisted psychotherapy or equitherapy incorporates horses into the therapeutic process. It means that people…

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