Top 5 Essentials You Need in Your Polo Player’s Bag

Top 5 Essentials You Need in Your Polo Player’s Bag

Mastering Polo Training: Insights from Experts

Mastering Polo Training: Insights from Experts

  In the world of polo, physical training has become indispensable for players aiming for…

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What do I need to start playing polo?

What do I need to start playing polo?

Polo is a great sport to try out. Filled with intensity and passion, it promises…

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Argentina Polo Day recibe la distinción Marca País

Argentina Polo Day recibe la distinción Marca País

El pasado 5 de Mayo, Argentina Polo Day tuvo el honor de recibir la distinción…

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Arena Polo in Buenos Aires

Arena Polo in Buenos Aires

Arena Polo is a discipline that allows players of all levels to improve their riding…

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Why is Argentina considered the Polo Capital of the world?

Why is Argentina considered the Polo Capital of the world?

Among the reasons why Argentina is considered the polo capital of the world is because…

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Argentina Champion of the First Women’s Polo World Cup

Argentina Champion of the First Women’s Polo World Cup

Argentina continues to make history in Polo. The Argentine team won the First Women’s Polo…

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The Arena Polo, the discipline that shines

The Arena Polo, the discipline that shines

The Arena Polo arrived in Argentina in 1922. At that time, the regulations of this…

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Arena Polo, la disciplina que brilla

Arena Polo, la disciplina que brilla

Arena Polo llegó a Argentina en 1922. En ese momento las regulaciones de esta disciplina…

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Abran cancha: Ya comienza el 1er Mundial Femenino de Polo

Abran cancha: Ya comienza el 1er Mundial Femenino de Polo

Mañana Sábado 9 de Abril será el gran comienzo del 1er Mundial Femenino de Polo.…

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