Estancia: What does it Mean?

Estancia: What does it Mean?

An estancia is a large rural establishment specifically dedicated to cattle or sheep farming and…

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Olympic medal for the Argentine Polo

Olympic medal for the Argentine Polo

Medalla olímpica para el Polo Argentino

Medalla olímpica para el Polo Argentino

El mejor entrenamiento en casa para polistas!

El mejor entrenamiento en casa para polistas!

Jugar al polo requiere de un entrenamiento de cuerpo completo. Para sentirse seguro en la…

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The Best At-Home Exercises for Polo Players

The Best At-Home Exercises for Polo Players

Polo is a full-body workout. In order to feel confident in the saddle, you need…

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The key to become a great polo player

The key to become a great polo player

In this article you will learn some key elements to become a geat polo player.…

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Shedding light on horses night vision

Shedding light on horses night vision

Researchers already know that horses night vision is a fact. These animals have with more…

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Polo in Argentina: Enjoying Life, Enjoying Polo

Polo in Argentina: Enjoying Life, Enjoying Polo

Playing polo in Argentina is always great to enjoy the countryside, the best polo in…

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The Right Position of the Rider

The Right Position of the Rider

The saddle is one of the most important parts on our riding adventure. This is…

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Creating Memories: Argentina Polo Day!

Creating Memories: Argentina Polo Day!

In Argentina Polo Day we love creating memories, and February was an unforgettable month. Sunny…

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