First Argentine Company to Obtain the Biosphere Certificate

First Argentine Company to Obtain the Biosphere Certificate

Argentina Polo Day, pioneer and leader of Argentine Polo, has become, after a year of…

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Primera empresa argentina con Certificado Biosphere

Primera empresa argentina con Certificado Biosphere

Argentina Polo Day, pionera y líder referente del Polo Argentino, ha pasado a ser, luego…

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Polo Rules and History: How Polo is Played

Polo Rules and History: How Polo is Played

Probably you heard about polo, or you have probably seen something on TV; it is…

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Eventos al aire libre: llegaron para quedarse

Eventos al aire libre: llegaron para quedarse

Año tras año, los eventos corporativos toman más protagonismo dentro del mundo empresarial. La opción…

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Medalla olímpica para el Polo Argentino

Medalla olímpica para el Polo Argentino

Polo Tournaments and Polo Day All Year Long!

Polo Tournaments and Polo Day All Year Long!

Polo Tournaments in Argentina run from October to early December and the three most important…

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Shedding light on horses night vision

Shedding light on horses night vision

Researchers already know that horses night vision is a fact. These animals have with more…

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Creating Memories: Argentina Polo Day!

Creating Memories: Argentina Polo Day!

In Argentina Polo Day we love creating memories, and February was an unforgettable month. Sunny…

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Get Ready to Play Polo in Argentina

Get Ready to Play Polo in Argentina

Polo, as a very intense and passionate sport, promises high doses of adrenaline to anyone…

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Argentina Polo Day is Where You Should Be!

Argentina Polo Day is Where You Should Be!

Argentina Polo Day the ideal setting to discover the secrets of this exclusive Argentine sport.…

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