How to take care of a polo horse?

How to take care of a polo horse?

A polo horse plays a mayor role in all polo matches, without a horse there’s…

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Arena Polo Grand Prix 2022 by Argentina Polo Day

Arena Polo Grand Prix 2022 by Argentina Polo Day

Este 26 y 27 de agosto, Argentina Polo Day junto con la Asociación Argentina de…

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Líderes en innovación en polo

Líderes en innovación en polo

En Argentina Polo Day reconocemos la importancia de la innovación, buscando siempre lo mejor para…

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Why is Argentina considered the Polo Capital of the world?

Why is Argentina considered the Polo Capital of the world?

Among the reasons why Argentina is considered the polo capital of the world is because…

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Argentina Polo Day y La Martina juntos por El Polo

Argentina Polo Day y La Martina juntos por El Polo

La marca líder de indumentaria de polo mundial y la empresa líder en experiencias de…

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Argentina Polo Day: Polo, asado and wine

Argentina Polo Day: Polo, asado and wine

How fast does a polo pony run

How fast does a polo pony run

The fastest Polo pony are bred in Argentina. Their distinguished characteristics come from the crossbreeding…

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Polo Ponies Training

Polo Ponies Training

Polo ponies training is key to their success on the field. Their ability to play…

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What Does Polo Mean?

What Does Polo Mean?

The “sport of kings” is considered one of the oldest team sports in the world.…

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Where do Horses Live in Argentina?

Where do Horses Live in Argentina?

We know we can find them almost anywhere in Argentina, but where do horses actually…

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