Volver a encontrarnos en Argentina Polo Day

Volver a encontrarnos en Argentina Polo Day

Te invitamos a volver a encontrarnos, porque convertirse en un polista de alto rendimiento requiere…

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El turismo que viene: sustentable y consciente

El turismo que viene: sustentable y consciente

El pasado miércoles 23 de septiembre, tuvo lugar nuestro webinar sobre “El turismo que viene:…

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Lo que se viene: turismo sustentable y consciente

Lo que se viene: turismo sustentable y consciente

Día tras día, el mundo muestra una mayor preocupación por el medioambiente y su rápido…

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How Long does a Horse Live?

How Long does a Horse Live?

There are several factors that influence when determining the life expectancy of a horse. The…

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Applying Sustainable Practices in Polo

Applying Sustainable Practices in Polo

If we talk about sustainability, many sustainable practices can be also applied in Polo .

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First Argentine Company to Obtain the Biosphere Certificate

First Argentine Company to Obtain the Biosphere Certificate

Argentina Polo Day, pioneer and leader of Argentine Polo, has become, after a year of…

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Primera empresa argentina con Certificado Biosphere

Primera empresa argentina con Certificado Biosphere

Argentina Polo Day, pionera y líder referente del Polo Argentino, ha pasado a ser, luego…

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Turismo sustentable: una iniciativa revolucionaria

Turismo sustentable: una iniciativa revolucionaria

A raíz de los cambios climáticos y su impacto en el medioambiente, la población mundial…

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Polo Rules and History: How Polo is Played

Polo Rules and History: How Polo is Played

Probably you heard about polo, or you have probably seen something on TV; it is…

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Do Horses Dream When They Sleep?

Do Horses Dream When They Sleep?

Horses, like humans, also dream. That is known because they reproduce each and every one…

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