Arena Polo: quickness and intensity

Arena Polo: quickness and intensity

How fast does a polo pony run

How fast does a polo pony run

The fastest Polo pony are bred in Argentina. Their distinguished characteristics come from the crossbreeding…

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Semana del Polo Seguro

Semana del Polo Seguro

En Argentina Polo Day somos apasionados del Polo, y lo vivimos todos los días del…

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Acuerdo de Cooperación entre Argentina Polo Day y Bodega Almahuar

Acuerdo de Cooperación entre Argentina Polo Day y Bodega Almahuar

Bodega Almahuar y Argentina Polo Day, ambas empresas distinguidas en su rubro, firmaron un acuerdo…

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How to ride a Horse safely

How to ride a Horse safely

Ride a horse safely it requires a skilled trainer and a calm horse. The trainer…

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Polo Pony Feeding: Benefits of Natural Grazing

Polo Pony Feeding: Benefits of Natural Grazing

Horses are a pivotal factor for successful polo players. This is why special attention must…

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Polo Ponies Training

Polo Ponies Training

Polo ponies training is key to their success on the field. Their ability to play…

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How to Saddle a Horse for Polo

How to Saddle a Horse for Polo

Argentina Polo Day en la 25° Feria Internacional de Turismo

Argentina Polo Day en la 25° Feria Internacional de Turismo

Argentina Polo Day participó de la Feria Internacional de Turismo (FIT), el evento anual más…

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What are the rules for arena polo?

What are the rules for arena polo?

Arena is the second most well-known version of polo after the traditional one played in…

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